


Image-guided Therapeutic Pain Injections

Therapeutic pain injections provide a useful adjunct to other conservative therapies in the treatment of sub-acute and chronic pain. These injections include a steroid, usually mixed with a long-acting anesthetic. Pain relieving procedures are to provide temporary or prolonged relief from pain or inflammation in your joints or back.

Procedures currently being performed at the South Sound Radiology Imaging Center include:

  • Lumbar epidural injections
    • Interlaminar and transforaminal
  • Lumbar facet injections
  • Sacroiliac injections
  • Joint injections including:
    • Shoulder (glenohumeral and acromioclavicular)
    • Hip
    • Knee
  • Bursal injections including:
    • Subacromial
    • Trochanteric
    • Scapulothoracic